Make the yearbook even more special for your student. A yearbook ad is a loving tribute to your student, personalized with your own sentimental message and a cherished photo, or photo collage. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’ll last forever.
You can also order in person by contacting Joe Hurley at hurleyj@trgators.org or by contacting any yearbook staff member.
Two Rivers Covid-19 Update:
The Two Rivers School District is reporting on February 5, seven positive cases of Covid-19 in the district, of which five are members of the staff and two are students. We are currently following all Arkansas Department of Health guidance by tracing and quantining all probable close contacts.
Ticket information for tomorrow night's basketball games at Dover -
Link to tickets for the Dover Pirates vs Two Rivers Gators senior high basketball games: 2/5/2021
Link: doverpirates1.ticketleap.com/sr-pirates-vs-two-rivers/
Password: Pirates1
Information for fans who travel to Mayflower for the basketball games tomorrow night:
Ticket vouchers will be needed to enter the gym.
Vouchers are available in the High School Office.
The gym will be split between two sides, one side will be for players.
The other side of the gym will be split down the middle, 1/2 side for TR fans and 1/2 side for Mayflower fans.
Fans must follow Covid Guidelines, sit every other row, 6ft apart, and must wear a mask.
Fans will have to leave the gym after their child plays to allow access for other parents.
Meals for the planned virtual days on February 12 & 15 must be pre ordered. Orders can only be made between now and February 10.
Meal pick up will be February 11 from 10:30-11:00.
For questions and ordering please contact Becky Fowler at Ext. 1201 or Kelly Brown Ext. 2118.
The Junior Girls will make up a previous cancelled game next Tuesday, February 2 against Atkins starting at 5pm at the Two Rivers Gym.
Directly after the Junior Girls contest, the Mini Gator Cheerleaders will deliver an amazing cheer for fans in attendance. The Sr Girls contest will start afterwards and then the Sr Boys.
The Gator Softball & Baseball teams are selling shirts!
Please view the images attached for more information:
Two Rivers High School Band Members Chase Moats, Sydney Stalnaker and Maverick Whitlow (pictured left to right) all three made All-Region at the competition held in January 2021.
All-Region is a highly competitive Band Competition in which students individually compete with surrounding high school band students for a place to advance to the All-Region Clinic. Chase, Sydney and Maverick represented Two Rivers at the All-Region Clinic which was held on Saturday, January 16, 2021.
Way to go Gators!
Ticket vouchers will be needed for entry at the basketball games at Jessieville (Thursday, January 28) and Perryville (Friday, January 29). Each player will receive 2 tickets from their coach for parents.
Ticket vouchers for these games are also available in the front high school office.
ACT ASPIRE INTERIM TEST #2 for 9th and 10th Grade Students (January 27 & 28)
All Two Rivers 9th and 10th grade students will be taking their second interim tests on Wednesday, January 27 and Thursday, January 28 during 3rd and 4th periods. We need all students at school to test on these days from 9:40 AM until 11:15 AM. If you have any questions about this information, please contact the TRHS office at 1-833-272-8773.
After School Tutoring @ Two Rivers 5th-12th School
5th-12th After School Tutoring begins on Tuesday, January 19 and will run
through March 18. (Monday through Thursday from 3:30-5:30 PM each day)
*There will be no After School Tutoring on Thursday, January 21
Two Rivers Virtual Learning Day -
Monday, January 18 is a scheduled school-wide virtual learning day and there will be no students on campus. Students must log into their Chromebooks and complete their assigned classwork on the virtual learning day to be counted as present at school.
Previously Canceled Basketballs have been Rescheduled:
Jr. and Sr. High Girls will play at Lamar, Friday, January 22 at 5:00pm
All Jr and Sr. High Teams will play Perryville at Home, Monday, February 8 at 4:00 PM
All Girls' Teams will play at Dover, Friday January 15 at 4:30 PM
The Boys' Teams with Dover are to be decided
All Mayflower Games are to be decided
(No Home Games Friday, January 15)
A reminder from Two Rivers School District to parents and patrons:
If at all possible, we need your students onsite for NWEA interim testing.
Regular testing will begin first thing in the morning, January 12th.
K through 6th grade students will have Math on Tuesday the 12th and Reading on Wednesday the 13th.
7th-8th grade students will have Math on Thursday the 14th and Reading on Friday the 15th.
Thank you for your continued support.
Tomorrow, January 12, all basketball games at Mayflower have been canceled.
Two Rivers Covid-19 Update:
The Two Rivers School District is reporting on January 11th thirteen positive cases of Covid-19 in the district. We are currently following all Arkansas Department of Health guidance by tracing and quantining all probable close contacts.
Blood Drive at Two Rivers on Friday, January, 8 2021.
Top Level of the Two Rivers Gym between 8:30 AM & 1:30 PM
We need people willing to donate blood.
If you want to sign up, please email Barry Fisher (fisherb@trgators.org)
or call 1-833-272-8773 and ask to speak to Mr. Fisher.
Two Rivers School District Parents and Patrons,
We will administer our middle of the year NWEA assessments for students in Kindergarten-8th grade during the week of January 11-15, 2021. We will be testing in Reading and Math.
In order to best meet the needs of our students and parents, we strongly encourage ALL students, including on site learners AND virtual/hybrid learners, to complete the assessments in person, AT school, in order for the assessment to be administered by a trained, certified teacher, and to insure the technology requirements are met for the best chance for success.
Please visit the school website, www.trgators.org, for more detailed information.
Two Rivers Basketball Games -
Basketball games for 7th Grade and Jr. High Boys on Monday, January 4, Two Rivers versus Atkins, will begin at 4:00 pm. (The Jr. High Girl's game has been cancelled).
The remaining games for this week are currently unchanged and can be found on the EVENTS page at www.trgators.org/events.
Happy Holidays from all of us at the Two Rivers School District!
We hope you all have a fantastic Winter Break and cannot wait to see you again in the new year on January 4, 2021.
Please remember that students will be dismissed at 1:30 pm today.