Senior Info

Two Rivers School Events for Seniors

Spring 2021


23 - Last day for senior pictures to be turned in to be included in the yearbook

30 - Senior Sunrise Activity & Gathering at the TR Football Stadium at 6:00 AM

 30 Last Day of School for Seniors in Good Standing with passing grades.


3 - All Virtual Arkansas  work to be turned in  to Virtual Arkansas Instructor by 3:30 p.m.    

4-6 - Semester exam window for Virtual Arkansas Courses

5 - AP Literature Exam (7:50 AM)  (THERE WILL BE NO MAKE UP TESTS) Please Be Here!

6 - Blood Drive @ Two Rivers

7 - Senior Sidewalk @ 9:00 AM - (We will pour the senior sidewalk and write the seniors’ names on the sidewalk. After this, we will grill hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch.) 

10 - Library Books (please return by this date)

12 - Seniors must complete and turn in all assignments by this day - must turn in anything that belongs to the school  (pay any outstanding debts)

13 - Graduation Practice @ 10am on the TR Football Field (MANDATORY) - (Senior Scholarship Forms must be turned in by the 13th in order to be announced at Graduation)

14 - Two Rivers Graduation @ 7pm @ The Two Rivers Football Stadium

18 - Athletic Banquet @ TRSD Cafeteria (Food at 5:30 & Ceremony @ 6pm)