TRHS Seniors 2021 Information
We want all seniors to get their work completed and pass all classes!
Friday, April 30 will be the last day for seniors to attend school or do work if they have successfully passed all required classes for Graduation- unless seniors are currently enrolled in a concurrent credit course and/or Virtual Arkansas courses.
The following information is the timeline for seniors with Virtual Arkansas courses in their schedules. This pertains only to the Virtual Arkansas Course(s) in seniors' current schedule:
- Monday, May 3, 2021: All non-concurrent credit seniors 4th 9 weeks graded work to be turned in by Close of Business (COB) - 3:30 pm
- Tuesday-Thursday, May 4-May 6, 2021: Semester exam window for all non-concurrent credit seniors
- Monday, May 10, 2021 - 8:00 am: Official non-concurrent credit senior 2nd Semester Final Grades
Seniors taking AP English Lit with Mrs. Lisenbey are required to attend AP English Lit testing on May 5th at 8:00 a.m. Seniors taking concurrent credit coursework must continue to follow the Virtual Arkansas Concurrent Credit Courses through to completion of final exams.
Any senior with failing grades in any TRHS required class will have until Wednesday, May 12 to get work completed and a passing grade. Virtual Arkansas coursework, however, is due May 3, 2021.
Graduation Ceremony will be on Friday, May 14 @ 7pm @ TRSD Football Stadium
(the graduation ceremony is for all TR seniors in good academic standing)
Students who do not meet all of the graduation requirements will not be allowed to walk in the graduation ceremony!
Please take care of business and make sure you are passing all of your classes!