Kindergarten Teacher
Full job description can be found here:
Interested parties should email their resume to:
Mr. David Minnie - Elementary Principal
Substitute Food Service Workers
Location: Two Rivers School District
Contact: Kelly Brown, Food Service Director
Phone number: (833) 272-8773 ext.: 1201 or 479-264-2863
This is a classified position for the 2024-2025 school year. Applications can be found on the Two Rivers web page or picked up at any school office. If interested, please submit an application or call Kelly Brown.
Substitutes, by law, will be required to do a background check.
Two Rivers School District is an equal opportunity employer.
Substitute Teachers
Location: Two Rivers School District
Contact: Elementary or High School Principal
Phone number: (833) 272-8773 - Option 1 or 2
Email: or
This is a classified position for the 2024-2025 school year. If interested, please call either front office at the number provided or stop by either front office and ask for the school building principal.
Substitute teachers, by law, will be required to do a background check.
Two Rivers School District is an equal opportunity employer.